His research interests include the history of migration, labor and Greek diaspora in the Eastern Mediterranean in the modern period. He is the author of The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937–1962 (Berghahn, 2017) and co-editor with Vincent Lemire of Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City (Brill, 2018) ; 20 ans de Diasporas : Un numéro anniversaire, Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire, 40, 2022 ; La matérialité du temps : usages patrimoniaux du passé en Méditerranée orientale (XIXe et XXe siècles),Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, moderne et contemporaine, (3) 2020.
He co-edits the French scientific journal Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire. He’s member of the editorial committee of the journals Rives méditerranéens και Bulletin de correspondance hellénique – moderne et contemporain. His articles have been published in English, French, Italian and Greek. For more details clik here